Bran Bread


Bran bread is light and tasty, and can also benefit the body in many ways. Bran bread, in particular, is good for a number of reasons. It’s high in complex carbohydrates, low in saturated fat, a source of protein, and a storehouse of nutrients and fiber – a microcosm of what your diet should be.

Taste great, Light on the stomach, Helps to lose weight, Suitable for everyone, Natural and Fresh smell.

About REEF Bran Bread

Rich in vitamins, Rich in minerals, Supper Fibber +35% , Rich in proteins, Baked by natural gas,  Contains whole grains Made from natural ingredients.

No Added Sugar free, Preservatives free, Cholesterol free, Free of artificial flavor and colors, Free of trans fat, Contains gluten , Dairy products free, Nuts free, Egg free, Law Calories.


wheat bran, natural yeast, a little of sea salt

Nutrition Facts    
Serving size    
250 g


Amount per  Arabic
Total Calories  14Kcal    السعرات الحرارية
Total Fat 0g إجمالي الدهون
Saturated Fat 0.00 الدهون المشبعة
Trans Fat 0.00 g الدهون المتحولة
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.00g الدهون غير مشبعة
Cholesterol 0 mg كوليسترول
Sodium 495mg صوديوم
Total Carbohydrate 12g الكربوهيدرات
Dietary Fiber 9g الألياف الغذائية
Sugar 0 g سكر
Added Sugar   0 g    سكر المضاف
Protein 11.1g بروتين
Potassium Mg   285 بوتاسيوم
Calcium Mg   52.3 كالسيوم
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Bran Bread